Monday, February 2, 2009

Wild Edible Plant of the Week - Yellow Nutsedge

Yellow Nutsedge
Cyperus esculentus

This weeks edible plant is probably one that you are not used to seeing. But be assured, it is there. Growing as high as two and a half feet high, the 5-8 mm natural glossy, distinctly shiny leaves are yellow to green in color and taper to a sharp point.Yellow Nutsedge Plant The three sided, triangular in cross section, stems seem almost grass-like, hairless and tapering to a gradual point.

The numerous flowers grow in little, flat, yellow to brown in color spikes originating from a common point at the top of the stem. Smaller single bladed leaves seem to surround the cluster of flowers.

Roots of Yellow Nutsedge PlantThe underground root system is usually full of little nuts starting from white and turning eventually to a dark color. They are naturally sweet and have a nutty flavor.

The base of the leave stems can be cut up and used in salads. Raw or cooked it is still tasty. The tubers are the best part of this plant. They can be roasted and ground into powder for beverages and coffee substitute. The tubers contain oils that are comparative to olive oil. This non-drying oil can be used for cooking and making soap.Flowers of Yellow Nutsedge Plant

The leaves are strong enough to be woven into hats and matting materials. Boiled tuber nuts are used in the UK as fish bait for carp and have a good success reputation.

Even though this plant is nothing more than a weed you find in fields, next time why not grab a few stalks and tubers and try them out for yourself. You will not be disappointed.

Next Wild Edible Plant - Green Amaranth
Previous Wild Edible Plant - Dandelion

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